8.4.0 to 8.6.0

Version 8.6.0 adds three new studies, the new SignalIQ plug-in for event analysis, a new multi-chart template, an npm package for the React framework, upgraded menu styling, and drawing tool and accessibility enhancements. For mobile apps, there are webview performance enhancements and a new dual menu mode. See release notes for more information.

Display ChartIQ version on console

To turn off display of the ChartIQ version, set CIQ.suppressPackageInfo = true; before initializing the chart.

Drawing tool reverts to "no tool" after drawing completes

To maintain backwards compatibility, set keepDrawingToolSelected to true.

Optimize y-axis margins

This enhancement increases the y-axis top and bottom margins to give more whitespace. To maintain initial margins set in YAxis.initialMarginBottom and YAxis.initialMarginTop, set yaxisMarginMultiplier to 1.